Easy ways to use 2022 interior design trends in your home

Knowing what the latest interior design trends are is one thing, but how do you translate them into your home?

2022 interior design trends original art work

Beautiful original artwork by Graeme Drendel in this bedroom designed by Studio Wonder.

If you appreciate good design you will enjoy learning about the current design trends. Each year there are interior design trends that emerge and you will see them show up in various ways throughout interiors. Design trends influence how designers and consumers think about contemporary design and they dictate to a degree what it means to be on the front foot of design.

This is all great..

  • But how do you incorporate some of the current trends into your home?

  • What if you already know your own design style but would still like to bring in elements from the 2022 design trends in a way that is authentic to you?

    Let me highlight how you can do just that in this blog (part 2 to follow for ease of reading!)…

  1. DESIGN TREND - Incorporate up & coming artwork

Interior spaces this year are show casing more original artwork, and more specifically the fresh faces in the art world. It is becoming more important to highlight local artists in your area and show diversity with the art you hang in your spaces. As always your art doesn’t have to match or use the same medium, and if you have a more eclectic, collected, contemporary or mid century modern style it makes more sense for your artworks to be varied.


  • Head to your local farmer’s markets or art auction house and find an artwork from a local artist that fits your aesthetic and is meaningful to you.

  • Use social media to discover new artists that are establishing themselves and research their pieces.

  • Mix newly acquired artworks with pieces you already have and love. This is not about abandoning what is already meaningful to you.

2022 interior design trends local artwork in interior

A landscape by talented Australian artist Angela Hawkey. Her art is authentically Australian which really resonates with me and I would love to buy one of her pieces in the future.

2. DESIGN TREND - Natural surfaces

Whilst using natural materials in interiors has always been important, this year it is even more evident. This trend is based on our continued love of any natural material and our desire to link our interior spaces with the outside. We are continuing to gravitate to natural materials like stone, terracotta, marble and travertine and you will see these materials as benchtops, island benches, bathroom vanities, flooring and furniture pieces in 2022.


  • Choose a small dish or vessel in stone or ceramic to bring this trend into your home in a simpler way.

  • Look for furniture pieces with marble or travertine accents (like a small side table or coffee table).

  • If looking to update flooring in your wet areas consider limestone or travertine (or a ceramic look option).

2022 interior design trends natural stone vanity

This stone vanity brings a warmth and authenticity to this beautiful bathroom designed by Emily Gillis.

3. DESIGN TREND - Plastered walls

In this face paced world we are yearning for a simpler way of life more than ever. Looking back to the past reminds us of when things seemed simpler and this is where we see the rise of plastered walls. The trend of plastering walls is a way of interpreting the past in a new way and it brings warmth and a tactile quality to any room. This trend of textured backgrounds also adds softness to a space that is often filled with many hard surfaces and brings a real sense of character and personality. I personally love this design trend and look forward to suggesting it in future projects!


  • Look for small décor pieces in a stucco or rough ceramic finish to bring tactile quality into your home in subtle ways.

  • Research the plastered wall finish if you are planning on painting a smaller space like a bedroom (sometimes it’s easier to experiment in a smaller space first).

  • Collect some inspirational images to see how the light and sense of atmosphere changes in rooms with plastered walls .

2022 interior design trends plaster walls

The plastered walls of this living space designed by Kamp Studios creates an interior with depth, texture and atmosphere.

4. DESIGN TREND - Leather furniture

I’m not sure if the love of leather furniture ever went away but it is certainly a stronger design trend in 2022. We are embracing the comforting tones of brown this year, so brown leather upholstery will be seen in many different forms in interiors moving forward. The beauty of leather is that it is a natural material that ages so gracefully. Oftentimes fabric furniture can struggle to look its best after many years, but if leather is maintained well it will often improve with time. With this in mind you can feel confident to add brown leather into your spaces knowing that many interior designers are too.


  • Looking for preloved leather pieces is a perfect way to get that aged look straightaway.

  • Continue to incorporate any brown leather pieces you already own and add new pieces as necessary to elevate your space.

  • Bar stools, occasional chairs and even pendant lights can be great opportunities to bring leather into your space. You don’t always need to think of sofas as your leather element.

2022 interior design trends leather bed head

Here’s a perfect example of how leather furniture adds texture and gets better with age if maintained well. This design is created by Fabrikate.

5. DESIGN TREND - Bold patterns & colours

After a few years of a global pandemic to navigate many people are craving colour in their interiors. You may feel like you’ve been staring at monochromatic rooms for too long and be delighted in the green light to use as much colour as you heart desires. Enter the 2022 interior design trend of bold pattern and colour! We are seeing a lot of patterned wallpapers to compliment bold block of colours in furniture in this trend. Wallpaper can be used on just one wall, but with this trend it makes more sense to wallpaper the whole room to make a strong statement. Whilst all colours are welcome there seems to be a leaning towards blues and greens (my favourites) which are nature inspired and help us feel calm and energised.


  • Consider removable wall paper as a safe way to experiment with patterned wall paper.

  • A powder room is a great place to start with injecting bold colour and pattern (think wall paper with a contrasting vanity, or coloured handles with a patterned artwork).

  • Mix some block colours with patterns in a bigger space. Remember that tile can act as a pattern as shown in the image below. Cushions and fabrics are other great ways to incorporate pattern in a less permanent way.

This home designed by Bells + Whistles is saturated with gorgeous colour and ticks the box for another 2022 design trend.

6. DESIGN TREND - Sustainable fabrics

Sustainable fabrics are a strong interior design trend for 2022. As we are all becoming more aware of our environmental impact it is encouraging to see sustainability a higher priority in interiors this year. In some cases this trend will translate into ‘buying once and buying well’, but even if your budget doesn’t allow buying a forever piece you can be more mindful of where you are sourcing smaller pieces like cushions, throws and linens.


  • Looking online for rolls of fabric that people no longer want is another way of being sustainable.

  • Try Australian companies like Ink & Spindle for your cushions and custom made blinds.

  • If looking to purchase a new sofa or armchair consider Jardan, an Australian company that a fabric line ‘Stella’ that is made from 70% recycled wool sourced from clothing and other textiles.

The Jardan studio showcases their furniture using sustainable fabrics. Photography by Eve Wilson.

7. DESIGN TREND - Mixing design styles

A unique and authentic design style is one of the top interior design trends of 2022. We love to celebrate diversity and this is the case in interiors as well so it’s time to move past the ‘cookie cutter’ look. Mixing design styles is a powerful way to show your individual taste and can be easily tweaked to suit you as there are many design styles to draw inspiration from. As well as mixing design styles, mixing materials from within these styles is important if you want to emulate this trend. Including different materials in your space will elevate this look beautifully.


  • Choose a modern piece to ground the space and add vintage pieces to add a layered look (or you can reverse this if you prefer).

  • Mix pieces of different materials, cultures, eras to give you a collected look.

  • Remember less is more so that your space doesn’t look cluttered. Negative space and breathing room around items is important with this design trend.

This stylish living room belonging to Phoebe Nicol is a wonderful example of mixing strong modern pieces (coffee table and desk) with vintage pieces (office chair and mirrors) to create a unique collected design style.

So that’s a wrap of the first seven 2022 interior design trends and how you can use them in your own home. My next blog will outline the next seven so that I don’t overwhelm you with too much detail in one hit!

Incorporating design trends into your home doesn’t have to be difficult, all it takes is some small steps to add the elements into your space in a way that feels right to you. Every home is different and it’s important that yours is unique to you. Rather than feeling like you have to follow the trends, instead think about which ones resonate and follow the tips I’ve outlined as a starting point.

A layered and considered interior takes time and skill to look effortless. These tips will help you on your way, but if you know you need a little help to pull your space together then feel free to reach out here. I can run through my design services and hear more about your home and what it is you need.

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 Bec x