Inside Scoop: The homes of people who love design

The Homes of People who love Design

Photo by @minhpamdesign

Photo by @minhpamdesign


The dilemma for those who love Interior Design, and it shows.

Hi there all you design conscious folk!

You know who you are. You know what you like when you see it, and you have a pretty good idea on what your style (or combination of styles) are. Good for you.

So what’s the problem, people looking in from the outside might say? It’s the rest of us that need design help, not you stylish Mummas! And you might have put this same expectation on yourself. Self-talk like:


·      ‘I should know what I’m doing when it comes to renovating my own home.’

·      ‘I have enough Interior Design magazines to start a small shop, surely I can bring my dream look together?!’

·      ‘Everyone says I have such good taste, this should be easy for me.’


Well, truth be told you might be an uber design conscious gal, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy or instinctive for you to design your own space.

You might have a strong design style but you’re are probably busy managing many different parts of your life. You don’t have the time to pull all those design ideas together. You have lots of balls up in the air!

You might know what you absolutely love when looking on Pinterest, but that doesn’t mean you know where to purchase it from, and in what fabric and even if it would look that good in your own lounge room!

So much pressure is put on you to have a home that is a refection of your love for good design, that sometimes you wish that you were like those who have no idea at all! They can happily put up their hands and ask for help, and no one blinks an eye.

I know that feeling of people learning that I’m an Interior Designer and saying, ‘I can’t wait to see your home…. I bet it’s amaaazzzing!!’ No pressure there.



What could help you if you find yourself in this design conundrum?


There is nothing more helpful sometimes than to have someone to bounce your ideas off of. Someone to give you that honest answer of whether all your fav pieces actually all work together. Or to truthfully suggest you try laying out your space in a completely different way. The same can be said for advice on paint colours, counter tops, statement lighting, tiles, splash backs, the list goes on..

You need a design buddy. An Interior Designer can be this person. Someone to respect what you already love. Someone who understands the look you are going for and to help you make this the best look it can be. Then you can have a home that reflects the interior design buff that you are!

If you would like any help from Design Release, we are here for you! Reach out to us at

 *thumbnail image by @johnmarkarnold
